Saturday, June 11, 2016

Let's Get Summer Fit! - June Beachbody Challenge Group

My Focus T25 Results
My Focus T25 Results

This June 19th we're excited to present our "Let's Get Summer Fit" June online challenge group!

So, what is the challenge?

Over 30 days you'll band together with 10-15 other challengers in a Facebook group, with the support of our team of coaches, to complete a full blown workout program in your home.   Everyone will check in daily, support each other through our struggles, praise each other through our triumphs, and make the life style changes you'll be undergoing as enjoyable as possible.

Why Have a Group?

Because making these changes and losing weight is HARD!  I've gone through the process myself, losing 25lbs in my last round and 55lbs over all.  I know how difficult it is to stay motivated, especially when your friends keep inviting you out to dinner and then looking at you funny when you order the salad or salmon with two sides of broccoli.  We need a source of support from people who are reaching towards the same goals to keep us moving forward and that's exactly what the group will provide.
Check out why our customers say the group lead to their success on YouTube HERE

Who Is This For?

Anyone that's
  • Short on time (the workouts are 30 minutes or less)
  • Of ANY fitness level, beginner or expert.
  • Looking to increase their strength, stamina, lose weight, or gain muscle mass.
  • Looking for a COMPLETE solution

What Do You Get?

  • A full Beachbody workout program (ex. 21 Day Fix, Cize, P90X, etc)
  • 30 days of Shakeology, a nutritent dense meal replacement shake
  • personal coach to help guide you and hold you accountable (more info below)
  • A customizable meal plan system that has you eating five to six times a day so you're NEVER hungry!
  • 30 days of Beachbody on Demand where you can stream other workouts like Insanity and Turbo Jam or try samples of new workout programs before you buy them.

Why Do These Groups Work?

  • You have the support you need to succeed.
  • There's no guessing, everything is planned out for you.
  • It's a complete health solution - nutrition + fitness + support.

But, What's the Cost?

$140 - $160

There's a 30 day hassle free return policy, so if you don't see results after giving it your all for 30 days, then feel free to email or chat with our customer service reps and they'll get you situated to return everything, including your empty bag of Shakeology!

If you want to continue using Shakeology then we'll talk about how you can save 25% on it and all of Beachbody's other products.  

What Does a Coach Do Specifically?

My job (for as long as you're doing your working with Beachbody - so 30 days to 30 years) is to help you navigate the waters of nutrition, help keep you motivated, check in on you and your progress, answer any and all questions you might have, and keep you pressing play!

More specifically to me, as a Nutritional Sciences major and future Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist, I provide a focus on nutrition by:
  • analyzing your diet
  • helping to create transition diets to healthier eating habits to meet you where you're at
  • provide in depth nutrition knowledge and information to arm you against the temptations of the world
  • being a resource for you around any scientific nutrition related questions you may have.