Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Days 2 and 3 of Thrive were fairly uneventful.  I've been trying to figure out the amount of food to eat with the supplement in order to not have a repeat of day one.

Day two I ate a full meal and then took the supplement and wore the patch.

Day three I just did the patch and "researched" meal sizes that might not affect the supplement.

Today, day 4, I think I have my answer: one serving of greek yogurt.  I had one greek yogurt around 10 minutes AFTER taking the supplement and I feel awake and energized but not crazy.  Ideal scenario has been met. 

The sad part of today is that I forgot my Shakeology packet at home so I drank a bottle muscle milk.  It's not a bad supplement, but it is missing the enzymes and pro/prebiotics that Shakeology has.

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