Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Experience With Focus T25

Let's get the first, and most popular, question out of the way.  Did it work?!


Hahaha!  Yes, it worked.  It worked better than I ever thought that it would work.  I'm back in clothes I haven't worn in a DECADE!  A decade you guys!  Clothes that I've held on to because I kept telling myself "One day I'll wear these again!".

So, where did I start and where did I finish?  Let's talk stats.

On the left are pictures taken before I started Focus T25 and before I pushed myself too hard and had to stop the workouts.  In these pictures I weigh 158lbs, I was a size 12/13 pants, a size large in everything, a shoe size 9/9.5 (this is important), 35% body fat, and I was aching all the time.   My feet were constantly swollen, my bones hurt, and I was sick ALL. THE. TIME.  If it wasn't a cold it was a migraine, if it wasn't a migraine it was my Lyme disease, if it wasn't my Lyme disease it was my depression, if it wasn't my depression it was just generalized pain and aches.  

Ok, enough about the past!  Let's talk the present!!

So, in the after photo I am 140lbs, 27% body fat, a size 8 pants, a small or medium in everything, and a shoe size...8/8.5!  That's right, I even went down a shoe size!  I still need to buy replacement heels!  :D  It's crazy!

Inches lost:
Waist = -3"
Hips = -1"
Arms = -.5" each
Thighs = -2.5" and 2"
Chest = -1"

Total inches: 10"

TEN INCHES you guys!  That's almost a FOOT of ME that's gone forever!  Thank you!  Good bye!  I won't be seeing you again!

Did you JUST do Focus T25?

Technically, no.  I also drank Shakeology everyday.  I really feel that is a part of why it helped me soo much!  I'm not going to run through the whole reasoning why here, that'll be in a different post, but I'll provide a video I made about it.  :D

So...That's It?
Pretty much!  I just followed the instructions really.  I ate the 25 foods, drank my shakeology, and pressed play.  Now, I did have some cheat days here and there, I'm not perfect.  But I didn't get crazy and I found ways to keep my calories within the range when I did have a cheat meal by tracking everything that I ate.  And I mean EVEYTHING and I tracked it BEFORE I ate it.  That is KEY!  

So, Now What?

Now I'm going through P90X3!  I'm two weeks in and I'm down 1% in body fat percentage and 2.5" overall and I'm fitting into size 6/7 pants!  XD  No weight change, I'm still 140lbs, that means MUSCLE GAINS!  

Join Me!

Message me, comment below, or find me on Facebook!  I have a fitness group that starts every month to create a supportive environment for your transformation!  I also coach you along the way, helping you to achieve the body that you want.  

Much Love,

Coach Marquita

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