Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mistakes I've Made In Building My Business

Mistakes Have Been Made...

As a Beachbody coach that's been around for awhile now, I feel like I need to pay it forward to the new coaches and to those that are considering coaching.  So, today I'm going to share with you some of the mistakes I made when building my online business.

Lack of Belief 

This is something that I still struggle with from time to time, I'll be honest.  However, the key difference between now and when I first started my online Beachbody business is that I'm actively working on believing in myself.  I am working on it daily by:

  • Writing out my successes in the business and my life in general.
  • Using Chalene Johnson's PUSH goal method to go after my goals. 
  • Reading personal development daily.
  • Being 100% candid with my performance and sharing with others when I'm having a bad day instead of showing the world only my good days.
My lack of belief also stopped me from getting myself out there with videos and even this blog!  I would say to myself that I shouldn't make videos because of my acne or because I don't look like the perfect girls on YouTube.  I would also talk myself out of making blogs because I didn't see myself as someone that could provide useful information. 

Lack of Organization

How can you know if you're making progress in your business if you're not tracking ANYTHING?!  For MONTHS I felt like I wasn't making any progress because I had nothing to compare my performance to.  I wasn't using the daily business tracker, nor was I tracking who I had talked to and who I needed to follow up with.

In fact, I LOST a few customers (and potential coaches) because I didn't follow up with them!  I had forgotten about our conversations and by the time I had gotten back to them they had lost their belief in me!  Seriously!  And I don't blame them.  I would've lost my faith in them too!  In fact, I had something similar happen to me after I had purchased a program from a coach.  I never heard from him and I had wanted to start working as a coach myself.  What happened?  I jumped ship and found Scottie.

Now, I track almost everything.  I am currently tracking:
  • Advertisements and which prompt people to contact me.
  • Videos and which prompt people to contact me
  • Daily behaviors I perform
  • Who I have contacted, including date, topic(s) of conversation, and if I've shared or invited something that I'm doing with them.
  • Who I need to follow up with and the dates of the follow ups.
  • People that I meet that I would love to have on my team of coaches so I can talk to them.
I feel like if I had been tracking these thing in the beginning my belief in myself wouldn't have stayed so low for so long.

Not Doing Personal Development

Yes, yes!  I know, I know!  If you're a coach of mine I bet you're tired of hearing me say this, but it helps soo much.  Personal development has helped me with my depression, my body image, and my time management.  

Personal development isn't always about mental health though, and maybe that's why people tend to avoid it.  Personal development is about looking at yourself and seeing areas of your life that you could improve.  For example, I'm someone who functions best in organized chaos but I was letting my apartment turn into just chaos.  So, a part of my personal development was learning how to work in an environment that is more structured and organized.  
Other types of personal development can be:
  • learning communication skills.
  • learning how to use different technologies/programs
  • learning time management skills
  • the act of getting out of your comfort zone.

Not Being Consistent

The greatest way to ensure success with any business, especially one where you don't have to leave home and go to an office, is CONSISTENCY!  Everyday you have to be working on the business.  This doesn't mean working every hour of everyday.  That would cause you to burn out faster than you can say "I'm exhausted!". 

No.  I mean doing something everyday, even if it's just for an hour, to work on building your business.  In Beachbody they've made knowing the minimum that you need to do to  build your business simple: The Three Vital Behaviors.

Yep, when I started I wasn't doing all three of the vital behaviors.  In fact, I was only doing one: be a product of the product.  I was doing my workouts and drinking my Shakeology.  I wish that I had dived into the personal development while I was doing my workouts though because I KNOW that doing that behavior would have gotten me to start sharing and inviting people to join me on my journey.

Didn't Treat My Business as a Business

Lastly, because this is getting kinda long, I wasn't treating my business like a business.  Working as a coach has the potential to be a SEVEN FIGURE (that's $1,000,000) business!  That's right!  And I wasn't treating it like that.  I was treating it like a hobby.  Even after I got my mind right and I contacted my sponsor coach to get plugged back into the community, I was treating it like a hobby.

Now, having this as a hobby isn't a bad thing by any means if that's what you want this business to be.  I, however, want this business to lay the foundation for a medical clinic to help people with eating disorders!  I NEED this business to be successful if I'm going to start up that clinic without a mountain of debt looming over me.  I've dealt with debt for almost a decade now and I don't want to have that in my future!  I don't want to have to stress about bills, for my home or for my business.  

If you want to grow this business into a million dollar business, or even a four figure business, you need to treat it like that every day!  You need to show up for your challengers.  You need to plug into social media.  You need to do your hour of power and get shit done!  Pardon my French, but it's the truth.  You can't put one foot in the water with this.  It's all or nothing, and that can be terrifying, especially at first when you don't see a huge return on your time investment.  When you're working 20+ hours a week on Beachbody and you only make $30 that month.  But it'll pay off in the end!  You just have to keep pushing and INSPIRE people with your drive and vision and then SHARE your drive and vision with as many people as possible!

Perfectionism at the Wrong Times

What's wrong with this picture?

So, there you have it.  The mistakes I've made as a Beachbody coach.  Hopefully you found this helpful. 

If you did, feel free to comment below or check out my YouTube video on the same topic. 

Thanks for reading!

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