Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Beachbody Focus T25 Transformation

Before and After Focus T25

20lbs lost, infinite energy and positivity gained!  

This is the details of my Focus T25 Transformation!

Hi guys and thank you so much for coming!  I hope that my story gives you all the information you could possibly want to know about Focus T25 and how this program plus Beachbody changed my life!  Let’s get the first question I normally get out of the way: “Did it really work?”  YES!!  20lbs lost (55lbs lost over all from Beachbody programs and Shakeology).

Before Focus T25
It took me a VERY long time to actually start using Focus T25.  It sat on my shelf for AGES, I think at least a year, before I picked it up and pressed play.  Please forgive my foggy memory, the reason why I’m not sure of the exact time frame is because of PTSD.

PTSD and guilt pretty much stopped my life in 2013.  I was in a bad shape and I was lost.  I felt guilty over EVERYTHING and like I couldn’t do anything right.  I constantly thought that I wasn’t a good enough daughter, girlfriend, friend, and employee.  The few things that I saw myself as “ok” at, made me so anxious I was physically ill!  It was a dark time for me, one of the darkest in my life. 
I had gained A LOT of weight during this time through comfort eating.  I’m not sure how much I weighed at my heaviest because I had stopped getting on a scale.  I was terrified of what it would say!  I was already buying pants right before I went into work because even my “fat pants” weren’t fitting anymore, no matter how much I sucked my gut in, and I was on the path towards being obese again.  =(

In the middle of all of this chaos, I was going to counseling (and couple’s counseling) on a weekly basis.  These sessions got my head right enough to start doing two things that you’re always told to do when you have depression: eat right and exercise.  I’ve known this for YEARS!  I mean, I started my therapy for PTSD when I was in middle school.  But, like most of us with depression/anxiety related issues, I didn’t listen or, if I started, I didn’t follow through.

The Breaking Point
To be honest, I don’t think there was ANY specific moment.  It could’ve been when I couldn’t fit into any of my favorite jeans any more.  It could’ve been the moment I was driving in my car and I became painfully aware of how my stomach was hanging over my pants and how they were digging into my waist.  It could’ve been after a binger where I downed a tub of Edy’s Chocolate ice cream with brownie bits, a flavor I don’t even really like, without really tasting it.  It could’ve been during my marathon of Supersize vs Superskinny.

All I know is on random Wednesday I decided that I was going to do Focus T25 and I was going to see it through.  I went to the grocery store that day, brought all of the 25 for real foods that I’m not allergic to, and I put the first workout in my PS3.

The Result
I didn’t notice any real change the first few weeks.  I had always been drinking my Shakeology, so I didn’t get the extra energy boost that my dad got when he started drinking.  And I had cut down my sugar having foods to things with only 8g a serving.  So really, I felt WORSE after starting!  I was cranky!  I was sore!  And I just wanted chocolate!

HOWEVER, by week three I had noticed a shift.  My clothes were fitting differently.  The pants I had just purchased before work two weeks prior, were falling off if I didn’t roll them up several times in the waist.  And my mood was starting to shift.

Fast forward to the end of Alpha and I wasn’t modifying all of the workouts anymore and I didn’t miss my sugary fix!  In fact, I was looking forward to exercising, which was a strange thing for me!
By the end of Beta my life had completely changed.  Shaun T has a way of inspiring you and motivating you to make positive changes in your life and to push yourself harder than you thought possible.  I found myself carrying Shaun T's encouragement over into the rest of my life.  I felt that I could achieve my goals and purpose of helping other improve their lives through food and nutrition!

So, I quit my job and went back to college to study the ONE THING I’ve ALWAYS loved talking about (besides video games): food!  I LOVED learning about food and nutrition before I started Focus T25.  It’s something I had started studying when I was 185lbs.  It became a passion…almost an obsession.  So when I told my parents that I was going to quit my full time manager job and go back to school for Nutritional Sciences, they responded with “That makes sense”.  HAHAHA!
My favorite post T25 pants are too big now... T_T

Oh, and I had gone down 20 POUNDS from  exercising 25 MINUTES a day?!  And eating REAL FOOD!  Never feeling hungry!  Eating every three hours!  =P  No big deal, right?!  Haha!  The best part?  I've kept the weight off!  I actually went down 5 more pounds!  Haha!

Honestly, it blew my mind!  And that’s when I knew I had to switch from being a discount coach to save 25% on my Shakeology and become a coach to help others get their own transformation.I knew that I had to switch because that program had given me the CONFIDENCE to follow my dreams and had help me CONQUER my PTSD!  

I don't even know when my mind shifted.  I think it was just the combined effects of daily positive messages, workouts, and sound nutrition combined with month counseling sessions.  I give more credit to Beachbody though, because before I started Focus T25 I was having WEEKLY counseling sessions. 

Thank You!!
So, that's my story.  Thank you so much for reading!!  I was very hesitant to put it up because of how personal it is, but if my story can inspire others to make changes in their lives, then I figured I had to post it!

If you'd like to make your own transformation, fill out the form at the top!  :D  I would love to help you!  Already have a program?  Let's get you into another online support group!  ^_^  

Don't forget!  You can always become a coach to help others reach their dreams!

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