Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to get MOTIVATED to workout!

Alright guys, you know I'm here to be honest with you.  Well, to be perfectly honest I still don't really enjoy working out!  Just like I don't enjoy drinking my tea without sugar in it and I don't enjoy cabbage, I do these things because I know they're good for me.  And, surprisingly, as time goes by and I continue to be CONSISTENT with my workouts and my eating (though I do allow cheat meals, cause I cream!) it becomes easier and easier to follow through.  That's because I'm making them a habit.
"But Marquita," you say, "how do I even get motivated in the first place?" 

Well, I'm here to share with you the fruits of my research, and some of my personal experience.  I present to you:

Connect with WHY you decided you needed to start an exercise routine in the first place!
Now, I don't mean a superficial why either, like to fit into a bathing suit or look better so that your ex regrets leaving you.  While those why's are certainly VALID and they might motivate you in the short term, they're not going to KEEP you motivated in the long term.  So, connect with the why that'll make you put on sneakers when you'd rather ball up infront of the tv with a pint of B&J!  Connect with the why that'll drive you forward when you've been consistent for three weeks and the scale (which is an evil tool and only tells a part of the story) hasn't budged an inch!  Or worse, has gone UP!

There's a saying I hear often, "Find the why that'll make you cry." and, honestly that's different for different people.  For some, it's not being able to play with their kids.  For others, like me, it's because of the fear of what would happen if a change didn't happen!  I was pre-diabetic, I was sick constantly, my joints hurt, my body hurt, and I was confronted with two choices: keep doing what I was doing and be diabetic in my TWENTIES or change.  I chose change!

RECONNECT with that why on a DAILY basis!
I reconnect with my why all the time through being a coach because I am helping people who were in the same situation I was.  I get to see myself in each of my clients and that keeps me pushing forward, not only because I don't want to go back to that level of pain but because I am PROOF to them that change is possible! 

For others, reconnecting comes in the form of daily affirmations, having their progress pictures posted somewhere they'll always see it, interactions with friends/family.  I'm a big fan of affirmations though.  Here's one you can try:

I love myself.  I am a changed person.  I am committed to improving my health so that I can (insert your why here).  I am a changed person and I know the sacrifices now are worth the benefits in the future.

You can also add visualization to your toolbox of success!  SEE and FEEL how you'll feel after reaching your goals!  Visualize how your life will be different.

Get a support network!
Something that I find so strange is the amount of people that have something negative or passive aggressive to say to those who are making a life change.  I don't know why it happens, but I do know that you need to be prepared when it does happen!  And this comes in the form of a support network.  Friends and people you know that are behind you and, better yet, pursuing a fitness goal of their own! 

You can find support groups on Facebook, websites like, or with our team!  We provide a safe, judgement free zone for people working towards their own health and fitness goals in the form of online fitness accountability/support groups.  

Buy fitness clothes you actually want to wear!
Sounds weird, but after I started doing this I can tell you that I am more motivated to workout!  I don't know if it's because I feel cute in my workout clothes or because I spent the money on them so I'm definitely going to use them, but it's working for me and it's working for my friend Chelsea who turned me on to the idea!

Find something you ENJOY as your exercise!
I. Hate. Cardio!  My definition of cardio is "lift weights faster"!  You know when I wasn't consistent with my workouts?  When I first started doing cardio.  You know what I love?  Weight lifting!  Guess when I became more consistent, when I was doing P90X!  P90X laid out the foundation for me bec

ause it was something that I enjoyed doing (though AgilityX can bite me!).  

So, find something that you like!  If you're a dancer try Cize or a bellydance workout!.  If you like cardio kickboxing, take a cardio kickboxing class or try Turbo Jam.  If you like running, then put on those shoes and RUN!  Love the outdoors?  Go hiking!  1hour of hiking can burn up to 350 calories!  More so if you're power walking or dealing with inclines!

When you hit milestones for you, reward yourself and celebrate those small victories!  Did you workout today?  Then you're better than the person who sat on the couch and did nothing so that deserves some freaking praise!  

But, don't reward yourself with food.  My friend shared a quote with me along the lines of, "don't reward yourself with food, you're not a dog."  That hit home with me because that was my reward system growing up!  

So how can you reward yourself?  Maybe choose products/items that you want and make them milestone "prizes".  For example, when I finish Hammer & Chisel I'm going to be buying some super cute fitness gear!   Or, if you never get "me time" reward yourself with "me time". 

Love Yourself!
This may sound silly, but a boost in the self love category never hurt anyone!  ^_^  So, love yourself!  Rejoice in your awesome!  Remind yourself and the WORLD regularly of what makes you uniquely you!

If you want more suggestions on how to get motivated in all areas of your life I HIGHLY suggest reading "You Are A Badass".  This book caused a huge shift for me in my life!

Message me today at or go to the "Start Your Journey!" tab!

Brightest Blessings )O(

Welcoming in Ostara and spring with Fitness

Hi guys!   

I hope you're all having a great March so far!  I'm super excited about Ostara (March 21st).  Not only is it a starting point for one of my favorite times of year - despite the allergies I'm going to be dealing with - it's the start of our March fitness challenge group!  The two just aligned up perfectly by chance and I'm beyond pumped for it!

Ostara is a time of growth and transformation.  We're leaving the time of winter behind and mother earth is starting to awaken.  Spring arrives, plants begin to come back to life, and the opportunities ahead of us seem almost infinite.  At least for me.  HAHA!

I'm planning on doing a small ritual for myself and my challengers to help raise our luck and motivation.  These groups are amazing because the challengers support each other, but they're also a safe place and sometimes the sole source of inspiration and motivation for people.  So, I'm aiming to add to that boost!  HAHA!



  • birthday candles: 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 red
  • incense: dragons


  • Lay out my tools  
  • Create my sacred space/circle
  • Light incense if you don't light it when creating your sacred space
  • Raise my energy (I like to do dancing for this. LOL)
  • Yellow candle: Visualize inspiration and communication (i.e. I'll visualize a busy forum of conversations and people sharing inspiring posts), pour the energy from these thoughts into the candle,  light the candle, and  say: 
    • I light this candle in the name of inspiration and communication.  May our inspiration grow and communication flow during our 30 days together.  So mote it be.
  • Green candle: Visualize success and health (i.e. I'll visualize the after pictures people will share and the excited messages I get from challengers after a program),  pour the energy from these thoughts into the candle, light the green candle and say:  
    • I light this candle in the name of success and transformation.  May we all reach the goals we've set for ourselves and achieve a greater level of health over these 30 days together.  So mote it be.
  • Red candle: Visualize transformation and triumph (i.e. I'll visualize the phoenix symbol that's going to be our team symbol and my own transformations, mentally and physically),  pour the energy from these thoughts into the candle, light the red candle and say: 
    • I light this candle in the name of transformation and triumph.  As we transform our lives, we will remain triumphant over the doubts and negativity of others that may arise over our next 30 days together.  So mote it be.
  • Sit and visualize success, for yourself and for others, over the next 30 days.  See the success as if it's already happened and not as something that may come. 
  • Give thanks and close your sacred space/circle.
Feel free to modify this ritual how ever you would like.  I like to keep things simple and most of the time I don't even use tools, but this one feels important so I'm using candles.

If you'd like more information about our online fitness groups, feel free to message me or check out the "Let's Get Started" page above. ^_^  I hope you all have a beautiful weekend and a great Ostara.

Brightest Blessings )O(

Photo credit:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thoughts on Hammer & Chisel (video) and my progress

I'm coming clean you guys!!  

So, as those of you who follow me on FB know, the end of 2015 saw me falling back into my old habits and comfort eating like no other.  In fact, for the first time in my life I was comfort DRINKING as well!  I lost a member of my chosen family suddenly, had friends diagnosed with cancer, and got my heart broken in a way it hadn't been for years.  I hit a low...and instead of reaching out for help like I've learned to do, I withdrew and fell back into my old habits.  

Not proud of it...but I'm OWNING it!

So, after gaining back almost 15lbs, SAY WHAAAT?!, I decided that something had to change and I decided that I needed to do the Hammer & Chisel and fully commit myself to it instead of doing a few workouts and then doing Focus T25 or Turbo Jam. things go, my timing to start wasn't the greatest.  LOL!  A week after starting was Spring Break for Penn State and my mom had no free weights at her house....nor a pull up bar....nor a bench....nor a stability ball.  LMAO!  All of the things you need to complete 90% of the workouts in H&C.   

So what's a girl to do to get her fitness on??  Focus T25!  HAHA!

So, I did a week of Focus T25 and used the container system from H&C

In those two weeks, I lost 4lbs, which I'm pretty excited about!  As of this morning, I'm 144.5lbs. I'm down an inch overall, as well, and flexing my tummy actually does something again.  XD  LOL!

I'm thinking that I need to just start from the beginning again for my Before and After's with this program....but at the same's only a week and I really REALLY want to do Cize already.  LOL!  So, I think I'll just say "H&C Before/After + 1 week of T25".  What do you guys think?

My Thoughts on H&C