Sunday, February 23, 2014

Are you ready for a life change?!

My results: 
There are five stages of change that people move through when losing bad habits or creating new ones (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance). You’re in the third stage, preparation—getting ready for takeoff. In many ways, this stage is the most important, because you're setting up the course for all the work that lies ahead. This is the time to work out ways around the inevitable bumps, setbacks and plateaus that lie ahead. If it's a struggle for you to eat healthy while you're on the run, get some advice before you wind up in the fast food line. If you don’t know how you'll get to the gym when your kids are home after school, work out a plan before school's out. And don't get discouraged if you've tried to make changes in the past and it didn’t stick. Sometimes it takes a few tries, and you'll learn more about yourself each time. 

My thoughts: 
I definitely agree with the results, though I feel like I'm floating between prep and taking action. I'm eating better, making my smoothies (SOO good!), focusing on the future and how my health will be. However, I'm also still planning and trying to figure some things out. 

What I'm planning: 
When to exercise - I hate, HATE, exercising in front of people. I don't care who you are, if I love you or not, or if I even know you, I do not want to exercise in front of you. Haha! This normally wasn't a big deal, however, my boyfriend is now living with me in my tiny 397 sq. ft. apartment. I know I need to just get over this irrational idea because my health is more important...but I'm still feeling stuck. 

Contingency Plans - I am making contingency plans for when I go out with friends. For example, if we go to iHop (a chain we just got) I will only get two slices of french toast and a cup of fruit. Those two slices are A LOT of my daily intake of calories but I rarely go so I will be able to "sacrifice" during the rest of the day by having smoothies, veggie based protein, and quinoa pasta w/ tomato sauce. Now, I just need to have plans for when I get near my temptations like Burger King, sweets, fries, and ice cream. :D 

Ways to stay motivated - Mindbloom is a HUGE source of my motivation and so are the articles and stories here. Watching people's transformations is also highly motivational and because of that I'm thinking about recording my own transformation with T25. What do you all think?! 

What I am doing - Focus T25 (I'm sure you're tired of hearing about it but I LOVE it...and hate it at the same time) and Turbo Jam when I feel bored; focusing on hitting my daily goals here and on MindBloom; making breakfast and bringing lunch (especially since my financial situation isn't the healthy). 


  1. I really enjoy your blog! It's a nice little tidbit, and I'll be excited to see how your plans change your health! :)

    Here is a link to some at home workouts that you don't need much room (or equipment) for:

    Contingency plans are THE BEST PLANS. Seriously! It's an awesome way to keep on track. What really helps is if you keep a typed/written version of your plan with you as a physical reminder of your symbolic goal!

  2. Thank you for reading Ren! It means a lot to me that you commented! You're advice about writing down my goals so I can have a symbolic reminder sticks out for me because that is the second time I have heard that this week!

    I hope you continue to read and definite continue to contribute! I'm going to be checking out that website!
