Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Plan for A Healthy Spark

Hi guys!

Firstly, thanks for coming along for the ride that is A Healthy Spark (AHS).  The purpose of this entry is to layout a weekly timeline of events for the blog and my social media presence as a whole. 

The Blog
Daily Mon - Fri = fitness progress in the form a video blog that will be uploaded to YouTube starting this Monday!!

Monday = Quickies - posts dealing with a random health/nutrition topic that I have researched.  Feel free to suggest topics for me to research and offer your own experiences to the discussion.

Wednesday = Personal Development Topic - posts dealing what I've learned or have been focusing on that week with personal development.  I'll likely go into the books I'm reading and the actions I'm taking to better myself and my business.

Saturday = Staturday for Focus T25 and I will be placing my stat updates for the world to see that day and also having a video blog about what I found easy/difficult that week.

Social Media
**I'm still getting everything up and running so I apologize for the lack of content currently.  That will be changing shortly though, right?!  :D
Instagram: coachmarquita  (
Facebook: Marquita Rufus (
YouTube: CoachMarquita (

I look forward to conversing with you all!

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