Sunday, February 16, 2014

Having Motivation in the Morning

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels super motivated in the evening and resolve to do soo many things the next day (i.e. clean the house, exercise, pack lunch, etc) only to wake up the next day and find that the spark is gone. Sometimes, there's no recollection of WHY there was motivation to accomplish all of the tasks. 

Well, my aim this week is to move beyond that and I've gotten a few ideas from an article:

My key take-aways are: 
1. Have my goals predominately place everywhere I'm going to be. Luckily, there's only two for 2014: get out of debt and be a successful Beachbody Coach (the latter is a hefty goal with many smaller steps required though). So, I'm going to be placing these goals EVERYWHERE! On my phone, in my bathroom, on my fridge, in my car, and even at work. There won't be a day that I don't remember my goals because they'll be staring me in the face all day, everyday! 

2. Focus on TODAY! I've only had a "I wish I had..." mentality growing up and switching that to a "Today I'm going to..." mindset isn't going to be easy but take-away number one will make it easier. I've found that out before when I did the same thing during a period when I was attempting to get promoted at work. Having my work goal on my clip board for me to see daily kept me going strong in and out of work. I didn't have any "I wish I had..." thoughts because I had already done what I needed to do. 

3. Read voraciously! Now, the author isn't talking about reading fiction for the heck of it. He's talking about books that inspire and/or are focused on personal development. This is a stance that Beachbody takes and is one of the three behaviors they stress to their coaches. Everyday is a chance to better myself and that's what I'm going to do. I'll be revisiting Failing Forward this week. 

4. Practice discipline. There's two lines, that I combine into one in this quote, that really struck me from this article: "It's in discipline that we gain get more done, to improve, and to remove regret from our lives." (Chad Howse, 08/03/2013) 
Again, take-away number one is going to help with this because it will keep me on track and increase my discipline through practice. It will also raise my consistency, a key factor in successfully completing any life change. 

So, there you have it. My four take-aways from the article linked above. Life changes take time but they are doable. There are success stories all over Spark People and the Internet. We can ALL change our habits for the better, it just takes drive and support. 

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