Saturday, February 22, 2014

No Excuses! The Power of Self Discipline by Brian Tracey

I started listening to this book today on YouTube and I must say, it is amazing so far. I'm only in the prologue but he has made two points that really resonate with me, so I wanted to share them. 

1. We all know what we need to do to achieve our goals but often we stop before start by saying "Someday I'll..." 
I know I had, and honestly still have, this habit when it comes to certain areas of my life. I know the root of this habit: I felt that I don't deserve success. This thought stems from almost a lifetime of depression stemming from a singular event. However, I've consciously decided that my past will no longer dictate my future. Now I am relearning how to talk to myself and how to be a positive influence in my life, much like I'm a positive influence to others in theirs. We can all overcome our past trials to create a better future for ourselves, it just takes time. 

2. Self discipline, in my opinion, is key for success in every goal that involves personal investment. Another, and equally important key, is perseverance. The beginning of the journey towards accomplishment is the easy part, in a way. It's keeping the momentum that makes the journey difficult. 

3. "Self discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." 
I'm going to be saying this on a daily bases. It inspires me to keep focused. 

Has anyone else read this too? What are your thoughts?

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