Saturday, March 1, 2014

Exercising when others are home...

I love, LOVE, the idea of working out at home. There's no gym membership, no need to remember to pack a bag when I go to work, no having to drive across town after work to get to a gym. These are all great perks, especially the not having to pay a membership fee.  Heck, I became a Beachbody coach not only because I want to help people and because I believe in the product, I became one because they're amazing programs to do AT HOME!!

However, I have a mental block when I comes to exercising when other people are home. In my old townhouse this wasn't an issue because I exercised in the basement. In my 439 sq. ft. apartment...It apparently is. Thoughts of "I'm being too loud." or "This is just embarrassing." pop into my head. And while I push myself through because bettering yourself, internally or externally, is worth it I feel uncomfortable the whole time. I don't push as hard as I could. I don't feel as connected with the workout. 

Eventually, I began to dread exercising at home when I knew someone else was going to be there. I'll admit, even today I'll skip a workout and just do a different activity outside or power walk the mall instead. 

This just isn't going to work for me anymore though. It's harder to lose the weight when I'm not giving it 100%. So now, I'm searching for a place to have my workouts. Since I work in a hotel now, I'm going to be asking if I can use a conference room that's not in use. It's the only solution I have right now, though I'm still thinking of more. 

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