Saturday, August 15, 2015

How To Build Your New Beachbody Coaching Business

 Join The Team Today
Today I wanted to give you a sneak peek into how new coaches on my team will grow their business.  These techniques are 
  • Attraction Marketing and Internet Marketing
    • The idea behind these marketing methods are to bring people TO YOU.  Less going out and messaging others, the initial interaction is started from people coming to you.  Your responsibility will be to contact these people in return.
    • For example, if someone leaves a comment or is added to your lead collector you HAVE to follow up with them!  
  • Connect with people and ADD VALUE through TWO social media platforms
    • I have two platforms that I have started focusing on.  I made the mistake of NOT focusing on only two in the beginning and I stretched myself too thin.  Find two platforms that will get you exposed to new people, not just your family and friends.  
      • My media platforms: YouTube and Blogging
      • Facebook is something I'm consistent on, but prospecting my family and friends is not something that I'm keen on, so I add people to my Facebook.
  • Follow Through with Your Personal Action Plan
    • Together we'll create an initial getting started training that's 30 days where we'll:
      • Establish what your goals are
      • What mediums are going to suit your personality
      • Make a plan to grow your business without using use family and friends (your warm market)
  • Follow Through with the Information Provided in the Training
    • Beachbody does weekly calls where top coaches share what they've learned when growing their businesses.  
    • My team does online training two to five times a week via Instant Presenter and Zoom.  Some of these trainings are Q&As for new coaches to gain insights from me or other coaches, some are trainings with experts in the MLM industry.  
  • Get Your Mind Right With Personal Development
    • I provide and recommend eBooks that are crucial for developing into a business owner, which is what you are!  These books give you insights into topics from running an online business to shutting down negative self-talk to personal growth.
  • Live the Three Vital Behaviors of Beachbody AND Recruit Coaches That Will Do The Same!
    • The Three Vital Behaviors of coaching are:
      • Connect with people and invite them
      • Be a product of the products to prove that they work
      • Do your personal development daily
    • People that tell me they do not want to even try the products I do not allow on my team.  It feels wrong to me ethically for someone to be representing a company and product they have never even tried.  This is just my opinion and I have lost some potential coaches this way, but I feel in my heart that it is for the best.  You don't have to continue buying products but you need to at least TRY the products.

Now that you know some of the tools to build your business, would you like to join the team?  You can fill out a quick 1 minute form HERE

Why sign up NOW?

Take a moment to think about your life right now.  Would creating your own business and getting extra income improve your situation?  How about the prospect of leaving your full-time job?  Or making enough extra money to be able to take a vacation or buy new clothes.

Before I became a coach I wasn't buying new clothes regularly.  A pair of jeans would have to be falling apart before I purchased a new pair and my shoes would have no soles left before I dragged myself to the store.  Why?  Because I honestly didn't have the money for new clothes.  And by new, I mean new USED clothes.  I didn't have the money to pay all of my bills.  I was deciding which bill wasn't getting paid and then ignoring the collection calls that would come in.

Being able to buy jeans that actually FIT ME after I lost my last 20lbs with Focus T25 was an emotional experience for me.  They weren't even new jeans!  But they were new to me and that feeling inspired me to do more, to push more!

Again, if you want to join, go HERE

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