Saturday, August 22, 2015

Your First 30 Days As A Beachbody Coach

Welcome to the Team!

This month is all about establishing what your goals for your business are.  This month you'll find out your WHY, discover what YOUR GOALS are, and what you'll have to do to reach them!  This is your foundation and you'll reference the materials you acquire here frequently as you develop as a coach.


  • Day 1 - 7: 
    • "Getting Started"
      • Download the "7 Day Quick Start Guide" and fill it out in a PDF viewer.  Then print it off.
      • Watch the three training videos in the "Getting Started" portion of the back office
        • Coach Online Office - Training - Getting Started
      • Check into the FB team groups I've added you to daily, especially the new coach training group!
    • Arm Yourself Against Excuses and Self Doubt
      • Make a quick video (3 minutes max) just shouting to the world WHAT you're doing, WHERE it's going to take you, and WHY.  Then INVITE others to take this journey/risk with you.
      • Watch "Check your 2014 baggage at the door" (an old Team Dynasty team call of ours)
    • Start brainstorming your WHY (write out at least five things)
    • Start Your Personal Development
      • Start reading "The Compound Effect" DAILY, I will give this book to you. 
  • Day 8 - 14:
    • Start the vital behavior of "Be a Product of the Product". 
      • Do your workouts and drink your Shakeology daily!
    • "Coach Basics"
      • Download and work through the "Coach Basics Participant Guide" AFTER completing the 7 Day Quick Start
        • Print out/download the PDFs from the file
        • Watch the videos linked to (probably one video a day
      • Watch our fellow coach's video tutorial for the online office.
    • Continue work started last week with "The Compound Effect" and your WHY
    • Attend this week's team call
    • Get ORGANIZED with a calendar and schedule team calls
      • Monday = National Wake Up Call and Dynasty Team Calls
      • I will tell you the day of the week new coach calls are on.
    • If you feel comfortable, start inviting people to join you on your journey as a coach or as a challenger.  Set your start date for day 30 of your coach training!
  • Day 14 - 21:
    • Continue work from last week with "The Compound Effect"
    • Training:"Coach Business Starter"
      • Work your way through the five sections of this page
        • This is CRUCIAL!  Don't put it off!
    • Make you list of 100 people you can help with this opportunity by inviting them to be a coach or by getting them started on a health/fitness journey.
      • The TOP coaches have ALL done this!  True success lies in conquering this first step!
    • Start studying Shakeology.  Read the FAQs in the online office and research some of the ingredients you've never heard of.
    • If you're feeling daring, START INVITING! :D
  • Day 21 - 28:
    • Continue the work from "The Compound Effect", ideally you'll be almost done with it.
    • Start the inviting vital behavior using the F.O.R.M. method and your enthusiasm!
    • Decide your two social media sources that you feel you'll be good at.
      • Do you take great pictures or already have a Instagram started?  Go there?
      • How do you feel about Pinterest?  Love it? Use it!
      • Don't mind being in front of the camera?  Then YouTube's for you!
      • The options are endless and there's a team call from our team on ALL OF THEM!  Visit the previous page for all the archived Bombshell Dynasty Team Calls.
  • Day 29 - 30:
    • Continue living the 3 Vital Behaviors!
    • Start your first challenge group if you started inviting during week two!  
    • Finish "The Compound Effect" and start "Your First Year In Network Marketing", again I'll provide you with this book.
Crucial Behaviors:
  • SHARE what you're doing DAILY on social media!
    • 3-5 posts daily
    • Ex. something you learned from personal development, the arrival of your program, your first team call experience, your workouts, YOUR WHY!
  • Doing the Three Vital Behaviors DAILY
    • Be A Product of the Product
      • Do your workouts and drink Shakeology
    • Invite, Invite, Invite
      • Connect with people and share the opportunity!
    • Personal Development
      • Read "The Compound Effect"
  • Check in with the New Coach Training group and the other FB groups DAILY.  Learn from the other coaches in these groups.
    • Ask me ALL the questions you may have, big or small!  Or, if you don't want to ask me, ask the coaches in our FB groups!
    • TELL ME if you already know something or if you're confused.  :)
  • Learn from My Mistakes
    • Don't try to reinvent the wheel
    • TRUST the process
    • HAVE FUN! 
    • BE YOU!

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