Tuesday, August 25, 2015

30 Day Push | Day 2 | by Chalene Johnson

Hey guys!

Today is day two with my group doing Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push to prioritize and organize our lives.  I'm super excited for this program so I figured, why not update about it with my thoughts as they come to mind!

Yesterday, day one, we rated 10 different areas of our lives from 1-10 in order to start the process of finding where we need to focus our time to get our lives in alignment.

Today, we looked at that list again and decided what are our intrinsic priorities and what are our key priorities.  I've found that my intrinsic priorities are personal growth/development and my life's purpose.  These are two things that I don't need much, or any, accountability to do.  In fact, personal growth has become a habit of mine because of Beachbody and I'm living my life's purpose already through Beachbody too.

My key priorities, what I currently need to focus on are my finances, career, and environment.

I feel that spiritual growth is something that should be a key priority, however I've already started working on that before the program, so I'll continue working on it as we continue through the 30 days.

If you haven't gone through Chalene's free 30 Day Push program, I highly suggest it!  You can sign up for it at 30daypush.com.  :D

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