Saturday, May 14, 2016

Building a Successful Beachbody Business with the Leadership Ladder

Hey Team Healthy Spark coaches!

So about two weeks back now the National Wakeup Call was about the Leadership Ladder and how mastering it will change your business.

This is a recording of the speech Melanie Mitro did at Summit last year and I wish that what she was saying had clicked with me then because this really simplifies things!

How To Use The Leadership Ladder

You see what you want to achieve, for me 2 star diamond by the end of 2016, and you get the monthly goals you need to aim for right from the Leadership Ladder in the coach online office.

For example, if you're just starting, aka a "Business Starter", then your goals are:
 - $100 in commission (BP)
 - Success Club 5

That's it because the rest is about getting through the "Getting Started" Training.

Once you're ready to dive in then you shift your goals to "Team Builder" and your goals then become:
 - $250 in commissions (BP)
 - SC5
 - Emerald Rank (or higher)
 - 2 Personally Sponsored Coaches, ea with 1+ SC point
 - 200 Team Volume Points

One Key Note: It is important that you MASTER the rung/place on the ladder that you're at before you start moving on, especially when you're transitioning from "Team Builder" to "Team Leader".  You must be setting the example for your team and hitting the "Team Builder" goals consistently.  Hitting these goals consistently means that you've found a system that WORKS, now you need to duplicate that system out to your coaches because the "Team Builder" and all future ranks depend not only on your abilities and performance, but on the TEAM'S performance!


The more exposure you have, the more VALUE you give to people, the more you SHARE your story and how Beachbody has changed your life, the more you share the opportunities and solutions Beachbody has to offer, the more likely you'll crush SC.  I see that clear as day now.  Yes, it took me some time but a little while back it finally clicked and I've been steadily earning more and more income because of it.  ^_^

If you want to grow your business quickly so that you can live the life you're searching for, be it one that's debt free or where you can be home with your kids or where you can travel the world without worrying about getting time off, then you'll need to take massive action and get yourself out there.  I know you can do it though!  Just connect with your why, fuel your fire, drink some coffee and (n the words of Tim Dunn) make it work!

If you have any questions about the leadership tracker after watching the video below, please post them in the group page or shoot me a text!

If you're ready to start building your own health and fitness coaching business today, please message me at!  

Brightest Blessings )O(

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