Sunday, May 8, 2016

No more excuses, you must change INTERNALLY to see success EXTERNALLY

How many of you are working towards a goal but have those nagging reasons of why it won't work?

Check out this video for some tough love if you're having those thoughts.

 For quite some time I was thinking I woudn't ever be a successful health/fitness coach with Beachbody because I'm:
- a college drop out (though I did go back after a few years)
- still managing my depression and anxiety daily
- still slipping with my management of my depression and anxiety
- a failure at many other ventures
- not super fit

All of those reasons I gave before were a bunch of BULL.  I know that now.  I'm having success NOW because of the changes I've made INTERNALLY, not because of ANY external factors or things that other people have that I don't.  In fact, embracing what makes me different and embracing what I saw as my faults was the key!

So, if there's something you want to do, a DREAM that you have, ask yourself if your "reasons" for why you haven't achieved it are valid or a load of bull.  Then I challenge you to find ways that you can spin your "reasons" (aka excuses) into strengths!  Own them, share your story,  INSPIRE others, and put in the work!

Watching the training call by Miguel about leaving my baggage at the door was a turning point for me but this video sums up the idea in a shorter period of time.

So yeah....I wanted to share this here and not just with my team of coaches because it reminded me of that moment.

BTDubs, if earning a living helping people live healthier lives through nutrition and fitness interests you, look into Beachbody coaching and HIT ME UP!  Seriously, let's talk, see if we're a good fit, and get you on the team (or on a team you'd fit better with... lol).  <3

Email me at, comment below, or check out the "Start Your Health Journey" tab!  

Brightest Blessings! )O(

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