Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Boyfriend = Weight Gain...

Hey guys!

So, I recently got a boyfriend, which I'm really freaking excited about!  Please don't get me wrong!  But with the new boyfriend came undesired weight gain and I only have myself to blame.  I fell off the wagon.  I didn't choose the healthiest options I could when we would go out on dates.  I didn't actively practice my portion control when we'd order out.  I didn't stick to my normal meal prep.  I didn't stick with my workouts.

Would I do it again?  In a heart beat!  I've gone on some of the most amazing dates and adventures with this guy.  It's been magical!  At 30, THIRTY, I've finally gone on a real date where I'm picked up at my door, driven to a restaurant, and taken some place quiet to just talk.  No movie, just wonderful conversation.

This last week we drove cross country and had amazing food, saw amazing sights, and went on amazing hikes!  It was beautiful!  But the food was NOT what I would call healthy and my waist line would agree.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because I wanted to let you know that slip ups happen.  LIFE happens! However, it's what we do AFTERWARDS that determines our long term success!

We're on a journey!  Our goal weight is not the final destination and our goals won't always be the same.

I'm also sharing this with you as my own form of accountability.  I want to be 100% candid and clear with everyone.  I want you all to know that I'm not perfect.  I'm human.  I have a wicked sweet tooth and an INSANE love of bread and bacon!  I love fried food just like everyone else.  HAHA!

However, I know my long term health is the most important.  I don't want to go back to being pre-diabetic.  I don't want to go back to being over 185lbs either.  I just...I just don't want to return to that life of being exhausted all of the time and my joints hurting everyday because of my Lyme disease.

So, I'm getting back on the wagon 100%!  Meal prepping on Sundays, daily workouts with Focus T25, and I'm getting my butt back in gear!  No more tight pants for this chick!

I have another fitness group starting up in JUNE!  So if you're interested in joining me, hit me up!  We can conquer our fitness goals together!

Email me at

Brightest Blessings )O(

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