Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How To Hit Success Club Every Single Month - Beachbody

There's two parts to this:
1. The Monthly System
2. Goal Setting for the Business Growth You Want

This is a system I have modified from Anita Miron, Melanie Mitro, and a few other top coaches to fit my Beachbody team "Team Healthy Spark".  The focus of this system is to give VALUE to people in order to 1. gain people's trust and 2. gain "permission" to ask for the sale.

Why gain people's trust?

Well, think about it, would you trust someone that hasn't shown you they're knowledgeable about health, fitness, and nutrition to guide you through YOUR health journey?  I thought not.  lol!  So we're showing our clients that we know what we're talking about AND what the support system is like for those that fully commit to Shakeology and a program.

They also need to see that you show up and walk the walk!  They need to know that they can look to you as a role model for them.  That's why consistency is key.

The Monthly System

Week 1:  Run a free five day clean eating challenge

  • Advertising and personal inviting for this challenge should happen the week before it starts.
  • Goal = 30 participants, which isn't super hard to reach because it's FREE and doesn't involve exercise.

Week 2: Run a free two week fitness challenge (plank, abs, youtube workouts, BOD trial, etc)

  • Advertising for this starts the week before (so when the clean eating challenge starts).
    • Make sure you invite ALL of your participants in the clean eating challenge personally AND in the group. ^_^
  • Goal = 30 participants, which might be harder since there's workouts involved.

Week 3: Continue the two week fitness challenge

  • Start advertising and inviting to your 30 day accountability/challenge group.
  • Start advertising for the coaching sneak peek.

Week 4: Run your challenge group and coaching sneak peek.

  • Challenge group goal = 5 (this guarantees you SC10, see why that's important below)
  • Coaching sneak peek goal = 20, which might seem daunting but aim HIGH!  The more people you share the opportunity with means the greatest chances you'll be able to improve the lives of others and your team's!

The Importance of SC10

When you hit emerald rank or higher and are reaching Success Club (SC) 10, Beachbody gives you clients from their infomercials.  That's free income for you as a reward almost, for putting in the work and helping five other people get started on their health journey.  

When you're a diamond coach, Beachbody gives you clients AND coaches from their informercials and website.  That's free COACHES and customers for you!

Goal Setting for the Business You Want

First you need to decide how quickly you want your business to grow.  Team Dynasty, the big brother of our team, has had coaches go to diamond in 11 days, ELEVEN DAYS!  If that's something that you want than your goals are going to have to reflect it.

For a standard coach your daily goals should be:

  • Invite 3 people a day to something Beachbody related, paid or free.
  • Have 3-5 people sign up with a challenge pack every month for SC5-10
  • Invite 3 people a week to the coaching opportunity.
  • Add 3-5 people a day to your network and start connecting with them.

For a coach looking to build their business quickly:

  • Invite 10-20 people a day to something Beachbody related, paid or free
  • Have 5-10 people sign up with a challenge pack every month for SC10-20
  • Invite 10-20 people a week to the coaching opportunity.
  • Add 10-20 people a day to your network and start connecting with them.
If you want to reach diamond in eleven days though, you will be inviting EVERYONE on your friends list pretty much to EVERYTHING you have going on that month with Beachbody. 

The common thread though:

Inviting People!  You have to share this business!  People are not going to stumble across you and if they do, odds are they'll be nervous to message you.  I've had people say that they didn't want to bother me with questions when I'm ALWAYS telling people to message me with any questions in my posts.   

So go out there and invite!  If you're having fears about inviting feel free to message me but I also want you to think about:
  1. Why did you decide to sign up as a coach?
  2. How has Beachbody changed your life OR how can you see it changing your life?
  3. How can Beachbody help them improve their lives, be that with health/fitness, finances, free time, etc.
Thinking on the answers to those two questions before you message anyone!  If you can't answer the third question clearly then you need to spend more time getting to KNOW that person.

If you have any questions about Beachbody coaching or are ready to become a coach yourself, please email me at coachmarquita@gmail.com!

Brightest Blessings! )O(

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