Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What Does It Feel Like To Be A Beachbody Coach?


If I was to sum up all of the emotions I feel about my job into one word it would have to be fulfilling.  No other job has left me feeling like this.  It's more than seeing people lose weight or improve their health.  People improve their lives!  It's seeing the transformation as someone goes through a program.  Their confidence increases, they become more open, and they're excited about life.

I'm a firm believer that exercise has an amazingly positive impact on people's moods.  I've experienced it myself as someone with PTSD and depression.  Exercise, for me, is key to my mental well being.  But I believe the changes people are feeling goes beyond that.  With Beachbody and Beachbody challenge groups you gain a new family to go along with your new lifestyle.

Yes, I know it sounds cheesy but that's exactly how it is.  When you run through a challenge group with other people, be it 21 days for the 21 Day Fix or 90 days with the P90X series, you get to know people on a personal level.  You share your doubts, your struggles, your successes, and your joy!  A challenge group can be an inspiring place of healing and love.  It's a place to make connections and grow as a person.

I believe that I have learned and grown as a person because of each of my clients.  Again, the cheese factor is high, but that is truly how I feel.

I posted a thank you to them on my Facebook but I wanted to post a thank you to them as well on here.

So, thank you!  Thank you for reaching out to me, thank you for believing in me, thank you for trusting me, and thank you for supporting me in my dream of becoming a Registered Dietitian.  It's always a humbling experience.


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