Monday, April 11, 2016

How Much Does It Cost To Be A Beachbody Coach?

I get asked this question A LOT so I figured I'd break it down for you guys here!  ^_^ 

The Numbers

Initial Sign Up Fee = $40
 - this covers your first month's coaching costs.
Monthly Coaching Fee = $16/mo

Initial Sign Up Fee + Shakeology = $140

Intial Sign Up Fee + Shakeology + 1 Workout Program = $140 - $200+ 
  - the final price depends on the program you decide to buy.

What Does Being a Coach Give You?

As a coach you get a 25% DISCOUNT on all of Beachbody's workout programs, supplements, and merchandise (except for clothing).

This makes Shakeology $98/mo.  ^_^

As a coach you also get the opportunity to build your own business by helping others start their health and fitness journey.  :D 

What Does the Monthly Coaching Fee Cover?

The monthly fee covers:
  • Maintenance of your three websites provided by Beachbody where people can purchase products through you.
  • The cost of all possible returns.
  • Accounting services for taxes
  • A database of all of your customers and coaches
  • Steaming of Beachbody on Demand
  • And more!

How Do I Sign Up as  A Coach?

Firstly, find someone that's already a coach that you resonate with!  ALL of the training around Beachbody coaching is already on the internet and YouTube, so what really matters is that you resonate with your coach, you two can form a relationship, and that your coach has no plans of leaving the business.  ^_^

If you resonate with me then send me an email at OR visit the "Start Your Journey" tab OR you can start by going to this link HERE!  

If you email me or fill out the form on the "Start Your Journey" tab, we'll have a chat and see if we're a good fit for each other.  If we are, then we'll continue through the process.  If you use the link and sign up, then I'll send you a text and we'll schedule a time to talk and get you started right!

What Happens After I Sign Up as a Coach?

Well, that depends on the type of coach you want to be.  Keep in mind that I'm assuming you're signing up with me as well.  This process may be different for other coaches.  With me, it depends on the type of coach you want to be.  

If you want to sign up only for the 25% off discount (which is totally cool) then I add you to my general coaching group where you'll be able to gather nutrition insights from my other coaches and I'll add you to the current challenge group I have going.  This will provide you with nutrition support outside of me.  Though we'll still be talking on a regular basis. ^_^

If you want to sign up and make this a business, then I'll still put you in the two groups above but you'll also be added to our monthly coach training group. ^_^  In this group you'll learn the basics of the business and how to make it your own.  We have new ones starting on the first of every month and you can remain in them for as long as you would like. 

Blessed Be )O(

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