Do you know what's holding you back from success?
I have a theory that for a good number of us it boils down to self-sabotage from restrictive mentality AND/OR not firmly establishing what success means to us and laying out the S.M.A.R.T. goals to achieve them. Today, I'm going to talk about both of these!
Restrictive vs. Abundance Mentality
An abundance mentality is having the mindset that there's more than enough in the world for you and others to have success. If you're one of my Beachbody coaches it means thinking that there's more than enough people in North America for you to help reach their health goals and for you to reach your personal coaching goals.A restrictive mentality is really the opposite. It's when you look at your goal and say something like "I'll never be able to achieve that because there's not enough...." or "I don't have enough....". I've found, as my time as a coach, that a good number of people have this second mentality, while the successful people I've gotten to meet and work with have the first mentality (abundance mentality).
Why Adopt an Abundance Mentality?
When my coaches and peers have an abundance mentality they often hit their goals faster and then exceed them. WHY is this? Because they're fully applying themselves to the process of reaching their goals. They're putting in the time and the work!
How Can You Adopt An Abundance Mentality?
The best method I've found is doing affirmations daily, at least once a day. I would advise doing them multiple times a day though!Establishing What Success Means To You
If you don't know what success means to you then you don't know what you're working towards! Success means different things for different people. To me, success means completing the goal I have at hand. And yet, it also means living a life I can be proud of. AND, being able to take my mother on a vacation with money I've earned myself. So, think about what success means TO YOU!
How you can figure this out is by daydreaming a little! Give yourself permission to dream big. You can also establish what success means to you by figuring out what your goal is for a situation (i.e. job, finances, relationships, faith, etc). Then have a little daydreaming session on that goal.
Once you've figured out what success means to you for your goals, you can go about achieving it by setting SMART goals.
What Are SMART Goals?

SMART Goals are:
- Specific - you lay out EXACTLY what you're trying to achieve
- Measurable - you give yourself some kind of metric so you can gauge your progress
- Attainable - while I feel like we can do anything, there are some things we just can't walk to the moon or create money out of air.
- Relevent - they're related to your view of success or completing a major project
- Time-bound - you've set a due date that you have to stick to in order to have a sense of urgency.
An example of one of my SMART Goals is to help at least 50 people this year as a Beachbody coach. Note the "at least"! Feel free to crush and move beyond your goals!
I'm tracking that goal by tracking the number of clients and coaches I help.
It's attainable because there's WAY more than 50 people in the world that I can talk to.
It's relevant to me because my ultimate goal is to be coaching full-time and paying for grad school with my Beachbody funds.
It's time bound because I have until December 31st to help 50 people this year!
So there you have it! Go out into the world with an abundance mentality and pursue the SMART goals you set for yourself to reach your success! ^_^
If a part of your success is to improve your health or lose weight, then please send me a message at I would be honored to help you along on your journey as your personal Beachbody coach. :)
Brightest blessings )O(
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