Sunday, April 3, 2016

Seven Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget

Marquita's Random Tips For Eating Healthy on a Budget

(Since these have helped me a lot)

  • Look for products on the bottom shelf. I got durum whole wheat pasta (aka quality pasta) for $.99 instead of $3+ for a box of the same amount.
  • Average out the cost per serving to see if the "family" size is actually saving you money. Sometimes it doesn't.
  • Go with frozen veggies and fruits when you can. Fresh tends to go bad on frozen winds up being cheaper for me in the moment and down the line. (This means I don't eat a lot of salads)
  • Skip the name brands. Just....stop it!
  • Shop at Aldi, if you have one by you. Less selection, yes but also much less expensive and they have all the food items you'll likely need anyways.
  • Make large batches of food and random items (rice, pasta, etc) and freeze half for later.
  • Lastly, STICK TO YOUR LIST! I know it's hard. But it's better for your wallet this way. =(
For some amazing meals you can make on a budget check out this post from Beachbody!  There's meals from $.70 - $2 a serving!

Message me today at or go to the "Start Your Journey!" tab!

Brightest Blessings )O(

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