Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to Improve Your Health with Preventative Care

What do you think is the NUMBER ONE THING that has the greatest impact on your health?

What if I told you it wasn't taking medication and managing your symptoms?!  What if I told you it wasn't seeing your primary care physician?!  What if I told you it wasn't your genetics?!

50% of what makes you healthy deals DIRECTLY with your
LIFESTYLE choices!

And yet...we only spend 4% (FOUR PERCENT) of our focus on this area! Instead we're focusing on making ourselves healthy AFTER the fact! Investing large sums of money on doctor's visits, medications, exams, testing, etc. etc.

I know that I used to be in this same boat! Taking multiple medications, most of them to counteract a reaction from one of the other medications. I was spending more on managing my SYMPTOMS than living a healthier LIFESTYLE!

My life is a complete 180 since deciding to take the preventative care approach. And no, that doesn't mean eating nothing but raw foods 24/7! I'm not a rabbit! lol! Nor does it mean I'll never eat cake or have Italian food ever again!

So what is the "preventative care" approach?

It's a lifestyle focused around:

  • moderation in food choices and choosing healthy food options (whole foods, fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats, plant oils, etc) over proven unhealthy food options (saturated fats, fast food, processed foods, etc)
  • getting at least 30 mins of moderate activity a day!  
    • Moderate activity means an activity that has you moving, gets your heart rate up, but you can still comfortably hold a conversation.  These activities include: hiking, walking, biking, moderate aerobics, etc.
  • giving yourself permission to take care of yourself
    • Get the 6-8 hours of sleep you need.
    • Take 5-10 min of time just for yourself, without the family being able to come to you for problems.
    • Take a bath and RELAX every now and then!

What was the "preventative care" approach mean for me?

It means putting my long term health in the forefront of my mind. It means deciding TODAY that I want to give myself the BEST CHANCE I can at a high quality of life when I'm elderly.  I want to be fully mobile and independent for a long as humanly possible!  

If you're ready to take charge of your health, stop treating symptoms and start treating the causes, message me!  I have the complete system you'll need with nutrition, meal plans, workouts, and support through your personal health and fitness coach!

Message me today at or go to the "Start Your Journey!" tab!

Brightest Blessings )O(

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